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Editora Cambridge
Idioma Inglês
Número de páginas 488
Edição 1ª ED 1996
ISBN 0521550025
EAN 9780521550024

Livro em excelente estado de conservação

Available for the first time in paperback, The Quantum Theory of Fields is a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory from Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg. Volume II gives an up-to-date and self-contained account of the methods of quantum field theory, and how they have led to an understanding of the weak, strong, and electromagnetic interactions of the elementary particles. The presentation of modern mathematical methods is throughout interwoven with accounts of the problems of elementary particle physics and condensed matter physics to which they have been applied. Many topics are included that are not usually found in books on quantum field theory. The book contains much original material, and is peppered with examples and insights from the author's experience as a leader of elementary particle physics. Exercises are included at the end of each chapter.

 A fresh and logical approach to this core topic  Written by a distinguished Nobel Prize winner  Very well known and successful author, e.g. Gravitation and Cosmology (1972); The First Three Minutes (1977); Dreams of a Final Theory (1993)  A valuable reference work for all who use quantum field theory, as well as a textbook appropriate to graduate courses

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