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Editora Academic Press
Idioma Inglês
Número de páginas 406
Edição 1º. ED. 2001
ISBN 0124471811
EAN 9780124471818
This book presents the algebraic fundamentals of switching theory with applications to the field of telecommunications. In addition, applications are described in such areas as multi-processor interconnections, hardware sorting, fast Fourier transform, and convolution decoding. By linking switching theory to industrial practice throughout the book, readers benefit from exposure to more than a pure mathematical treatment.

Algebraic Switching Theory and Broadband Applications is unique in its focus on developing an algebraic foundation for switching networks. This focus will be of great value to researchers and distinguishes it from others in the field.

Key Features
* More than 250 illustrations
* Most relevant mathematical tools are all provided
* Parallel attention to applications and implemental feasibility throughout
* Some applications to parallel computing, multi-processor interconnection, and hardware sorting besides telecommunications
* Topics follow a continuous flow, motivate one another, and pin down basic principles, useful techniques, and feasible designs
* The book contains a large amount of original results accrued during 1986-99 that have not been previously published
Preço da tabela: R$ 489,50
Nosso preço: R$ 250,00
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