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Editora Butterworth
Idioma Inglês
Número de páginas 275
Edição 1999
ISBN 0750642351
EAN 9780750642354
Higher Engineering Science aims to provide students with an understanding of the scientific principles that underpin the design and operation of modern engineering systems. It has been written specifically for the core unit in the new BTEC Higher National Engineering scheme from Edexcel, and builds a sound scientific foundation for further study of electronics, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. The core unit is compulsory for all HNC / HND students, and this book develops a coherent programme of study for this important part of the Higher National.

The text is highly student-centred, providing numerous
Ã'· worked examples with step-by-step guidance and hints
Ã'· highlighted key facts and points of interest
Ã'· self-check questions scattered through the text
Ã'· problem sections (with answers supplied)
It has been written to suit courses with an intake from a range of educational backgrounds, and a minimum of prior knowledge is assumed.

A unified science course at this level is a completely new feature of the new Higher National programme. This means that it will be a challenge for colleges, and that existing books will not match the content of the unit. Therefore, Higher Engineering Science will be the text of choice for students and lecturers alike.
Preço da tabela: R$ 396,00
Nosso preço: R$ 120,00
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