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Editora Cambridge
Idioma Inglês
Número de páginas 432
Edição 1ª ED. 2011
ISBN 9780521180795
EAN 9780521180795
Originally published in 1969, volume one of The Physics of Metals is an advanced treatise written by a team of international experts. It presents a definitive account of a major field of modern physics and will be of value to both experimental and theoretical solid state physicists and metallurgists seeking a clear explanation of the physical phenomena occurring in metals, without recourse to elaborate mathematics. The volume is based around the electronic properties of metals and has articles on the calculation of band structures, observation of the Fermi surface, effects of a magnetic field, surface and size effects, conduction of heat and electricity, liquid metals, alloys and special properties of transition metals. The work was inspired by the desire to honour Sir Nevill Mott by writing an account of some of the topics treated in Mott and Jones' classic work The Theory of the Property of Metals and Alloys.
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